Here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you, PLUS create 11 questions for the people that you tag.
3. Tag 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers, go to their page and let them know you've tagged them. (I'm pretty sure I don't know 11 bloggers, so we're just gonna tag as many as I can.)
4. No tag backs.
11 random facts about me:
1. I can play flute and piano. I tried to teach myself harmonica once, and I managed to get out "Amazing Grace," but I never got around to picking it up again.
2. I like being crafty, and I tend to go through phases. Right now, I'm on a sewing kick, thanks to my mom getting me a machine for Christmas (seriously: so awesome!). I also love scrapbooking, and I can knit ... a scarf. I once crocheted baby booties for someone (YouTube is my friend). And I love "upcycling."
3. I love to read and once dreamed of being a book editor. Right now, I work as an editor at a newspaper.
4. I do not own a motorcycle, but I do know how/am licensed to ride one. My dad has a 250 cc Honda Rebel that he let's me ride, and I love it.
5. I love Disney. I love the movies, the amusement park, the everything. I feel like I shouldn't love it, because it's big and corporate and blah-blah-blah. But there's too much of my childhood wrapped up in it, and, frankly, it's just fun.
6. I am a dog person, but I am slowly warming up to cats. I have a dog, and he is crazy. He is small, but he is so energetic that I sometimes think my apartment is too small for both of us.
7. I love playing video games, but I've learned that I don't really like it by myself. Video gaming is a group activity for me. However, I could probably play Super Mario Bros. 3 in my sleep.
8. I love to travel and have been to Mexico, Guatemala, South Africa, Italy and Canada (but who counts Canada?). I try to get a piece of art from each country I visit.
9. I'm a country girl. As much as I love visiting a great city, my heart cries, "I need space, not just air!" (Name that movie!)
10. I don't drink much pop, and it's not something I have to fight myself on. I just usually prefer water or milk.
11. As a rule (barring random cravings), I like peanut butter more than chocolate.
Sarah's questions for me:
1. Donut or bagel? Wow ... really depends on the mood I'm in! In general, though, probably bagel.
2. Are you a snooze button user, or are you up-and-at-em and the first buzz? Oh, I hit that snooze button, on average, about 3 times every morning. I seriously have to set my alarm at least 30 minutes before I want to get up!
3. Who or what inspired you to start blogging? I like writing, and this seemed like a good way to keep the skills sharp. Of course, based on how often I blog, you can see how well that's working out!
4. Do you have siblings? Yes, a sister who's a year younger, and stepbrother, who is seven years younger.
5. If your favorite band popped in for dinner, what would you serve them, or where would you take them to eat? Uhhh.... probably spaghetti, because everyone likes it and it's one of the few things I know how to make. Boring? Yes. Edible? Very yes.
6. What's your dream job? Book editor, but I've come to the conclusion that's probably not gonna happen. Of course, if we're talking TRUE dream jobs, I think Willy Wonka candy tester would be an excellent way to make a living.
7. First or next tattoo wishes? If I ever got a tattoo, it'd probably be a pretty bird of some kind, maybe with a Bible verse or book quote. However, tattoos require a certain amount of certainty that you will love an image for all time, and I just don't think I have that much commitment in me. At least, I haven't found anything yet!
8. Are you an outdoorsy person, or tend to stay indoors? I stay indoors more than I should, because I love TV and movies and books. However, I LOVE being outdoors. In my heart, I'm an outdoorsy person.
9. Say you're going to the beach for the day, what's in your bag? Lots of sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, a camera, and a book. Maybe two books, in case I finish the first one!
10. What's one of your pet peeves? Almost all of my pet peeves involve other drivers on the road. My biggest one, I think, is people who don't use their blinkers. It's just so rude!
11. Favorite meal of the day? Lunch. I often skip breakfast, and sometimes I forget about dinner. My coworkers don't let me forget about lunch!
2. Are you a snooze button user, or are you up-and-at-em and the first buzz? Oh, I hit that snooze button, on average, about 3 times every morning. I seriously have to set my alarm at least 30 minutes before I want to get up!
3. Who or what inspired you to start blogging? I like writing, and this seemed like a good way to keep the skills sharp. Of course, based on how often I blog, you can see how well that's working out!
4. Do you have siblings? Yes, a sister who's a year younger, and stepbrother, who is seven years younger.
5. If your favorite band popped in for dinner, what would you serve them, or where would you take them to eat? Uhhh.... probably spaghetti, because everyone likes it and it's one of the few things I know how to make. Boring? Yes. Edible? Very yes.
6. What's your dream job? Book editor, but I've come to the conclusion that's probably not gonna happen. Of course, if we're talking TRUE dream jobs, I think Willy Wonka candy tester would be an excellent way to make a living.
7. First or next tattoo wishes? If I ever got a tattoo, it'd probably be a pretty bird of some kind, maybe with a Bible verse or book quote. However, tattoos require a certain amount of certainty that you will love an image for all time, and I just don't think I have that much commitment in me. At least, I haven't found anything yet!
8. Are you an outdoorsy person, or tend to stay indoors? I stay indoors more than I should, because I love TV and movies and books. However, I LOVE being outdoors. In my heart, I'm an outdoorsy person.
9. Say you're going to the beach for the day, what's in your bag? Lots of sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, a camera, and a book. Maybe two books, in case I finish the first one!
10. What's one of your pet peeves? Almost all of my pet peeves involve other drivers on the road. My biggest one, I think, is people who don't use their blinkers. It's just so rude!
11. Favorite meal of the day? Lunch. I often skip breakfast, and sometimes I forget about dinner. My coworkers don't let me forget about lunch!
Pretend you see six more people on that list.
Okay, here are my 11 questions:
1. What's your favorite book?
2. What is the one thing in your house that you feel has to be clean no matter what?
3. If you lived in a place with only one season year-round, which season would you pick and why?
4. What's the last thing you made with your own two hands?
5. What's your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
6. If you put your ipod (pretend you have one if you don't) on shuffle, what are the first five songs that play?
7. Do you have any pets?
8. What fictional character most influenced you as a child?
9. What does your average Friday night look like?
10. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
11. What is the largest piece of art hanging on your wall (photo? painting? poster? Of what?)?